Impact Entrepreneurship 101 | Casa do Impacto – Unicorn Week
Casa do Impacto - 8 Travessa de São Pedro 1200-432 Lisboa
04:30 PM
Impact Entrepreneurship 101 | Casa do Impacto – Unicorn Week

Impact entrepreneurship is the talk of the town, so come and learn the fundamentals for your to transform your projects into a social and environmentally focused solution.


You will also be able to know one of the Hubs projects.


Plan of the session:


16:30 – 17:00 – Workshop about Impact Entrepreneurship – Casa do Impacto


17:00 – 17:30 – Case study with one of CI’s projects – “how is impact entrepreneurship its own thing” 📣


Free Admission, limited seats. So, register as soon as possible, before we are fully booked.